Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Mount Ephraim, anticlockwise. 8pm.

The attention of a low sun swaggering up Molyneux Park Road has lit up a swathe of slender bleached blonde grass heads. They stand straight, proud, brittle and not afraid.

Monday, 29 June 2009

Rock Cottage, clockwise. 8pm.

The air vibrates with the scent of lime blossom. You'd think a saint had (moments before) been taken up to heaven, or that a miracle had occurred in the bracken.

Sunday, 28 June 2009

Mount Ephraim, anticlockwise. 6.30pm.

He (in the turquoise shirt) has come out to eat a Mars. He (in the black shirt) has come to smoke a cigarette and swig from a bottle of water.

Saturday, 27 June 2009

Mount Ephraim, anticlockwise. 6pm.

Cumulo nimbus are bearing down on the back of Mount Ephraim. These top-heavy mountains have shrunk me to the significance of an ant with a promise of torrential rain.

Thursday, 25 June 2009

Mount Ephraim, anticlockwise. 2pm.

The groundsman dances his tractor mower in quick circles. His colleague spreads himself all along a bench in the oak tree shade, a strimmer catching its breath at his feet.