Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Claremont Road, anticlockwise. 3pm

A boy not yet five wears a knight's helmet and a cloak, carries a plastic sword and rides a hobby horse. His mother dutifully makes clip-clop sounds behind him.


Sheila said...

Hello, Clare--

I came here via Lucy's box elder blog. What a lovely idea. I've always thought I'd like my final degree (if there is to be one) to be in poetry, thinking if I could express life well in as few words as possible, all other writing would be easy.

I love your idea, and especially this vivid picture.

Maurice Lauher said...

I, too, have found you by the way of Lucy. Your blog is wonderful. It reminds me of what a preacher friend of mine told his students. “Be brilliant, be brief and be seated!”

Misha said...

I came from 3BT.

I can totally relate to this one. But, I'm making choo choo sounds.